Monday, May 18, 2009

30 day challenge: sending love to everyone I come in contact with

As if I haven’t taken on enough self-improvement stuff, here’s one more. I got the idea from the intention circle I attended last week, but it’s something I’ve been hearing here and there, so I decided to really give it a go. In modern society we’re very used to constantly judging, labeling, and dismissing others, in effect sending out negative energy as we go about the day. In my spiritual groups, I have heard a few too many stories about how things just work out better when we send love to a difficult situation or difficult people. It increases our vibration as well as theirs. So I’ve decided to practice it for 30 days and change my habit of judging to accepting.

When I say “everyone I come into contact with”, I mean somebody I interact with in some way. Somebody I say good morning to, a cashier at the store, the bus driver, co-workers, friends, acquaintances, etc. I started out trying to do it with everyone I pass by on the street, but that just became overwhelming since I live in a city.

If I forget to send love when I’m interacting with the person, I’ll send it afterwards when I remember, or I might send it to an entire group at the same time (say when I go to choir rehearsal tomorrow night). More importantly, I want to send love to each person who bothers me, by which I mean anyone who triggers my judgment, defensiveness, anger, insecurity, etc. This is because the person who provoked that emotion in me reminded me of some hurt I experienced in the past. I’m taking responsibility by sending love to them and therefore to the part of me that felt hurt.

For the next 30 days I’ll write entries daily or as often as I can about what I experienced. I’ve had trouble with keeping up a regular practice before, so here’s hoping for perseverance.


Jessie May said...

How awesome that you are taking on this challenge! Whether you keep up with posting about it, or even if you forget from time to time to practice sending love, the fact that you have brought it into your awareness will undoubtedly have positive and lasting effects on your life and the lives of others! You are inspiring!

Indu said...

Diane I love your blog and your truly inspiring!!

I did 30 new things everyday for June but this amazing!! I really hope I get to do this one of these months

Diane Ho said...

Thanks! I don't post much on here anymore, but if you're interested, please check out my new website at

Instant Healing said...

Love can work wonders in love.As the saying goes can turn is true and I have seen people change with love than sternness and discipline.