Tuesday, September 09, 2008

miracles happen

Since I last wrote about my frustrations with job search and instability, a lot more has happened. In early August, I attended my cousin Jennifer's wedding in Houston and saw my family. It's been many, many years (over a decade) since I last attended a wedding, and that wasn't even someone I knew. Jennifer's ceremony was simple and sweet, and you could feel the love coming off of the bride and groom whenever they're together. There were three receptions and lots of eating over the 4 days I was there (as usual when my family gets together). It was fun seeing my family and meeting Jennifer's friends that I kept hearing about.

Two things that had been weighing on my mind, finding a job and a new apartment, came to fruition after I came back from the wedding. Through one of my temp agencies I got an interview with the marketing department of a major local newspaper. The interview went very well, and the job is one that sounded more interesting than anything else I had interviewed up to that point. They quickly scheduled me for a second interview.

Around that time, I started looking for a new apartment to move into, since I had sublet a room for only 2 months in order to get to know the area better before I chose a place permanently. After a week of searching, I was only able to visit a couple of places and had come up with nothing. This coupled with the job search was stressing me out, and it took everything in my spiritual "arsenal" (meditation, affirmations, EFT, frequent calls to friends whom I could vent to) to keep me balanced and not completely freaked out. There was part of me that knew and trusted that everything would work out, but another part of me said I didn't know that for sure, and how could things come to me if I didn't work/struggle for them?

A few days later, two things happened at almost the same time. On a Monday I received an email in response to a Craigslist ad I had posted days before, seeking a roommate with similar interests to find an apartment with me. The lady said she practiced reiki and tarot and had a 2-bedroom apartment that she was looking to share. I emailed her back and said, great, let's meet.

I met her over coffee the next day, and we immediately felt comfortable with each other. We had a great time chatting and made arrangements for me to see her apartment that afternoon. Right before she arrived in the coffee shop, though, I discovered that I had a voice message from my agent at the temp agency. During our conversation, my agent called back and told me that I got the job with the newspaper! So, both issues that had been weighing on me were resolved.

I am deeply grateful and amazed at the way things fell into place. It wasn't easy, though -- I had to work through stress and panic before it came to this. Part of me believed that "manifesting" was something that other people could do, but there was a niggling doubt that it could happen to me, that I could receive without putting in a lot of work and effort. Being out on my really tested my beliefs - did I really believe that the universe will take care of me when I had no income and my savings were draining rapidly? Not at the beginning, I didn't. It's still a work in progress, this trust thing, but next time my fear and panic rear their ugly heads I can point to this experience and say, See? I'm not just making this stuff up!

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