Friday, September 01, 2006

my first adventure game

I posted this on the Adventure Gamers forums recently. I thought it was a good story and decided to put it here as well.

My first adventure game was, interestingly, the first text adventure game called "Adventure". I was around 11 or 12 (and didn't know English very well, having just moved to the US) and played around with my aunt's computer whenever I went to her place. For some reason this game was on her computer, and I started playing it after I got tired of solitare. I was an avid Nintendo gamer at the time, and the text game really perplexed me. I kept hoping it would show me some new pictures if I went far enough into the game (I remeber it had a single still picture in a corner with directional buttons next to it). Alas, it never did. It took me several visits before I figured out how to open the grate and go inside the cave, and I never got past the green serpent. However, since I'd never played a text game before, I was rather fascinated by the way the game responded to my actions.

Years later, when I took a game design class, they covered the history of video games. That's when I realized "Adventure" was the same game I played all those years ago. I didn't really get into the genre (or realized what the genre was) until years later though.

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