Thursday, November 18, 2004

frustration is good

As some of you may or may not know, I am as of right now pretty frustrated in my work as a self-employed person. Mostly because I still have little confidence in my people skills, and I get scared and talk myself into procrastinating or just not doing anything. However, listening to Conversations with God book 1 these past couple of days in the car has really helped the commute and my mindset. Just today I listened to a passage about monitoring your thoughts. That is, my thoughts, words, and actions create my reality, and what I need to do is have an image of the highest version of the highest vision of myself, and monitor my thoughts to make sure they are always in alignment with that image. Now, I know this already, I just haven't been doing it on a regular basis and instead letting fear take over whenever I'm too scared to talk to someone.

The other thing I am reminded of is that my experience of something is what I say it is, and that "what you resist persists, what you look at disappears." Sure, I am frustrated and wish this being your own boss thing could be easier sometimes, but this frustration and difficulty allows me to really appreciate my success in the future, just as I am proud of myself for having learned how to drive stick even though it was painfully frustrating in the learning stage. If Primerica were easy, I wouldn't value my success as much as I would've otherwise, just as I never really valued my A's in school because they were never that diffcult to get, and even in college they were challenging intellectually but never emotionally.

I also remembered that every new beginning only happens once in a lifetime. Once I pass through this, it will never come again (in this life anyway)! Therefore I give thanks for this time in my life, and for all other moments of frustration, which I love, love, love because they make my successes sweet and ecstatic.

And so it is.

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