Monday, March 01, 2004

humanity's team

Yesterday afternoon I went to my first Humanity's Team meeting down in Long Beach. Humanity's Team was started by Neale Donald Walsch, based on the teachings in his book The New Revelations, and their mission, in summary, is to increase spiritual awareness in the world by being an example. I'd been planning on going once I have reliable transportation, but somebody was one step ahead of me. Basically, I got some emails on Sunday from them, and after poking around I saw that they were having a meeting that same day at the Unitarian church in Long Beach (which I've been to once before). I was interested but figured I couldn't go because Mom was at church all day, and I still can't drive my Dad's stick confidently. Then out of the blue this guy IM'd me on Yahoo to ask if I wanted to go, so I told him my problem. Since there no one else at the group was from my area, he offered to come up here from Newport Beach and then drive me down to Long Beach. Goddess bless him.

At the meeting we discussed mostly businessy things having to do with upcoming events and starting a new Humanity's Team center, but it was great just to meet people of like minds and have a hand in the beginning of wonderful new things. On the way there Keith asked me if I would be interested in starting a study group in my area, and my heart said yes, that is what I want (actually, it was more like, "why didn't I think of this earlier??). So I've decided to have a space ready for my study group this Sunday. Even if nobody else is there, it will be a time set aside for me and God, and it will be good.

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