Wednesday, February 11, 2004

this is why i hate television

Since I have a lot of free time these days, I've started watching TV again, mostly specific shows like Dr. Phil, Oprah, CSI, Gilmore Girls, and Pokemon. Even then, I still get residual crap through commercials for the local news and Entertainment Tonight and other shows about people I don't care about. I'm sure you've all heard about the Janet Jackson "exposure" (whether you'd like to or not), and it even made it onto today's Megatokyo. I apologize for bringing it up yet again, but I'd just like to say that if it's a publicity issue, then it could be resolved by NOT banging the topic over people's heads over and over again (hello? who's giving them publicity?). If it's a breast issue, well, I hate to break it to them, but half the world's population has breasts. Get over it.

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