i hate this town
This weekend, I was going to move into my aunt's apartment in Pasadena while she's out traveling. She told me I was going to need a parking permit to park my car on the street, since her car will stay in her spot at the complex. I said, OK, not a problem. So I look up on how to get a parking permit, and this is what I come across:
1. I can't get an annual permit because my car is not registered to my aunt's apartment, and I'm not going to change the address on it since I'd only be there for a few months.
2. In order to get a monthly permit, I have to not only bring in my car registration, but also my aunt's and her roomate's.
3. I have to take time off work to put in the application because their office doesn't open on weekends.
4. Because my car is registered to my father and not to me, I have to get a letter from him saying that his daughter is authorized to drive his car.
5. After I bring in my application with all the paperwork, the Department of Transportation will investigate me to make sure there's no paid parking available in my complex or within 600 feet of the apartment, or that I'm not using my garage for storage or some shit like that.
6. And then I have to go to their office again the next month to renew the temporary permit.
This is enough to make my hair fall out. I think I'll try and move my aunt's car to my grandma's house so I can use her space.