what do babies know of god?
I'd just like to share a letter to Neale Donald Walsch from the Conversations with God Newsletter that really touched me:
Dear Neale,
How true what you said on bulletin #146 last week about babies. They come to this world fresh from the realm of God and they know nothing but love until the world teaches them the rest. It made me remember a few years back when I went shopping with my then 4-year old granddaughter. Kasey is so happy to see people and would say hello to anyone she sees. She said hello to 3 heavy set older white ladies and they just looked at her as if she said something wrong. (Kasey and I are from the Philippines.)
About a decade ago, I did some research on miracles. I have a few major miracles in my life that I've kept these many years to myself. I was afraid that when I tell it to someone and they don't believe it, it would feel like something very beautiful is sullied. And true enough when I shared it with someone whom I thought could relate I was quite disappointed. Anyway I learned that people cannot relate to anything they have not experienced. If they do not have any experience of miracle(s) in their life, they cannot relate to it.
And so I decided to do some research to find out if I am alone with this experience or if there are others out there who have experienced miracles in their lives. To my delight, I found dozens upon dozens of great miracle stories.
One of the stories I encountered is about a couple with a 3-year girl and their new baby. Their 3-year-old kept insisting that she'd like to be alone with the new baby. They would always say "No" to her because they were afraid that the 3-year-old might be jealous and might try to harm the baby. When the parents can no longer say no to their 3-year-old as she would ask each day and was quite persistent, they relented and allowed her to be with the baby but left the baby monitor so they can hear what's going on in the nursery from their kitchen. What they heard is this -- the toddler asked the baby: "Tell me about God, I am forgetting." The parents wrote to the author of the miracle book that they could not figure out what that means. Yet, for us, we all can relate to what that means having read the CwG material that you so graciously gifted the world. I just wish I could explain to that couple that this is because babies are new arrivals to Earth from God's realm.