celebrating men, satisfying women
So I went to a workshop last weekend called Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women. When my aunt first told me about it, I was pretty skeptical as to what it could teach me. Until I went to the preview seminar and was completely blown away, that is. It was a series of workshops put on by a company called PAX (which stands for Peace, Adoration, and X-tasy), which was started by a woman named Alison Armstrong, who started studying men by observing and listening to them.
Having taken the first in a series of four workshops, my opinion of their work is basically that the information they give you, when practiced, can lead to relationships (with all men) and marriages most women only dream of having. If I said to you, for $1200 (for all four workshops in the series) you can have a marriage that thrives for as long as you both live, peace with unmanageable sons, or partnership instead of competition with co-workers, would you even hesitate paying that? I believe in their work that much. Actually, I don't have to believe it. I see it in the way the workshop leaders treat people and in the stories they tell about their own husbands and others'.
It's really sad how much men-bashing women do in our culture. So much so that they expect the worst when they hear that we women are talking about them. When I was telling some guys at Primerica about this, one guy joked about how they're teaching women to take over the world (I talked about empowering men so that we empower ourselves)and another said, "oh, is it like that Mars vs. Venus thing?". When I was telling a female co-worker at my other job about the workshop, a guy overheard me and said, "men are all jerks, is that it?" I just think it's really sad. Poor guys.